Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Ill try to be brief
Since starting work Ive been wanting a cool case to carry things back and forth from home. I wanted something big enough to carry lunch and folders and papers, wallet, etc...but not so big as to be considered full-on luggage. I suppose a briefcase fits this bill, but Im thinking something a little smaller.
I bought a nice piece of cherry from Highland the other day. I havent worked a whole lot with cherry but what little work Ive done has been pleasant. It planes really nicely and the grain doesnt put up much of a fight.
I started off by constructing the two large side panels of the case. My thinking here was to make one large piece, cut it in half, and then have two smaller, similar pieces.
Heres the starting point: (The bench will not be this clean again for a long time.)
This plank represented the width of the two panels. Essentially I had to add two more strips to this piece to get the height I wanted. Heres the mockup:
After gluing them all together I had to reduce the thickness significantly; otherwise the case would end up weighing quite a lot. The thickness planer is usually the tool for this, but mine is only a 12 incher...too small. Besides, I have something quieter, safer, and more fun: a new scrub plane.
Yep, new saw. This was another saw kit from Gramercy: the crosscut carcass saw. Check out the custom handle:
That is some of that spalted wood I milled from the firewood pile. Looks pretty good.
I then cut and thicknessed the four boards for the case frame. The thicker one is for the bottom of the case and needs to be stronger to support the Soss hinges Im going to use.
This photo is showing the two side pieces that will join with the top. These are the through dovetail tails. You can also see the scribed line running down the length of the board; this is where the completed case will be sawn open later in dramatic fashion. You can see from this shot that the one pin socket is so narrow that in order to clean it out I either need to buy a narrower chisel...
Scroll saw it is.
Saw saw saw...chop chop chop...and joints come together:
Perhaps this better conveys my thinking with the half-blind dovetails. The board on the right will be the bottom of the case when standing upright. You can see how the half-blind joint protects the enclosed tails.
So then it was just a matter of making four corners out of four boards.
Now time for new stuff. I wanted the side panels of the case to seat inside the frame, but also on top of the frame. This requires rabbets. It also lets me again use my fancy new skew rabbet plane:
You can see that the plane has a little "nicker" which is a circular blade which runs ahead of the cutter and and severs the wood fibers in a vertical manner. When used with a fence, you can do this:
The nicker is especially useful when working across the grain.
So I worked all the way around the square and then had panels that would seat nicely in the frame.
Glue and clamp time:
Phwew, thats enough for tonight. Ill complete the rest of the writeup in the next few days.
Thanks for checking in.
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